Survey report

What’s driving the middle market talent gap?

A survey of business executives and senior managers

Sep 09, 2022
Cybersecurity consulting Finance 外包 Managed services Managed cloud and IT
IT infrastructure Labor and workforce Risk consulting Managed IT services

The talent gap is striking at the heart of middle market organizations.

Middle market companies are competing against enterprises for an increasingly tight supply of skilled workers. COVID put the talent gap crisis into sharp relief, but experts have been warning companies about this for years.

A recent survey commissioned by RSM found out that:

  • Hiring is a challenge for nearly all middle market companies, and needed skills are in short supply
  • Existing workers are being burned out, creating a vicious cycle of employee turnover
  • Companies are being hardest hit in their most critical areas
  • Outsourcing/managed services can solve talent gaps and other middle market pain points


Survey respondents who found hiring to be “very” or “extremely” challenging


Middle market businesses that are struggling to attract experienced talent


Respondents whose companies already rely on 外包 and managed services to fill the talent gap

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